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- ; DESC: Takes in parameter string retrieved from DOS level V1.00
- ; and breaks the string into separate elements using
- ; commas and the end of line as the only breaks.
- ; IN: *{SEG_VAL} segment and
- ; *{OFFSET} offset of parameter string
- ; *{LENGTH} length of parameter string
- ; OUT: *{N} n is the number of sets of segment,offset and length
- ; groups returned, which indicates the number of total
- ; parameters passed to the program.
- ; *{OSEG_VAL,OOFFSET,OLENGTH} repeated N times
- ; and returned in reverse order (i.e. P3, P2 , P1)
- ; ###################################################################
- Extrn PUSHALL:Near
- Extrn POPALL:Near
- Extrn SCAN_BYT:Near
- PARM_BRC Segment Para Public 'CODE'
- Assume CS:PARM_BRC
- Public PARM_BRK
- Include CALLM.MAC
- ;notice.
- DB 'PARM_BRK - V1.00, Copyright 1987, CoreTechs ',0DH,0AH
- PARM_BRK Proc Near
- Call PUSHALL ;save registers.
- Pop CX ;recover length.
- Pop BP ;recover offset.
- Pop ES ;recover segment.
- Jcxz OUT0 ;if no parameters exit.
- Jmp CONT1
- OUT0: Jmp OUT
- CONT1: Mov CX,0 ;clear N.
- ;scan for commas or spaces
- ;as the delimiting character.
- CONT2: Cld ;in the forward direction.
- Callm SCAN_BYT,<',',ES,BP,0,2>,<AX,BX>
- Mov DX,BX ;save beginning of next
- Inc DX ;parameter.
- Mov ES:BYTE PTR[BX],0 ;place zero byte at end.
- Sub BX,BP ;find length of string.
- Push BX
- Push BP
- Push ES
- Mov BP,DX ;move pointer along
- Inc CX ;increment N.
- Cmp AX,0 ;if end of par. block
- Jz OUT ;then return.
- Jmp CONT2 ;else continue.
- OUT: Push CX ;save N.
- Call POPALL ;recover registers.
- Ret
- End